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Other Services
Baths, Nails, Ears,Teeth
Baths include cleaning ears and clipping nails at no additional charge.
There is no cutting or trimming of hair.
Price for bath depends on size and breed
Ear Cleaning (without Bath)............................ $7.00
Teeth brushed ................................................... $7.00
Nail Trim (without Bath) ................................$12.00
In-Home Pet Services
Daytime Only - Servicing Liverpool, Baldwinsville and North Syracuse at this time.
Do you have an older pet or new puppy that needs to be let out in the middle of the day ? We can now
help with that. This service is for the convenience of our daycare customers on the days they do not come
to daycare. ............................. Cost is $15.00 per visit
Puppy Pre-School
This Service is for people with new puppies aged 8-12 weeks that cannot be left alone all day. Your puppy
will NOT be going in the daycare but will be kept in the offices or a designated "puppy room" (depending
on the number of puppies we have).
They will learn to socialize with people (be handled) and possibly other puppies of the same age. We will
introduce potty training while they are here which will make it so much easier to learn at home. And even throw
in some basic obedience commands (sit, down, shake etc.). Your puppy must have it's first veterinarian visit and
be in good health before they can be enrolled.
The cost for this program is ..................................................$35.00 per full day
...................................................$22.00 per 1/2 day (mornings only)
Because puppies need constant one on one care, there will be no package discounts on this program.
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